Diane on the Johnny Mandolin Show on Italian American Radio

Sahara Reporters Covers Sare Tweet vs. Queen Elizabeth as the "Advocate of Genocide"

Newsweek Compelled To Cover Sare Campaign and Ukraine Hit List

Reddit AMA with Scott Ritter, Diane Sare, Geoff Young, Ray McGovern

A conversation with Scott Ritter and Diane Sare about being blacklisted

Cynthia Pooler interviews Scott Ritter and Diane Sare on the issue of the Ukrainian blacklist

EIR magazine covers Sare campaign: "Why the Times Cannot Tell Truth on New York’s Electoral Upheaval"

WNY Media Works' Mark Oehm Interviews Diane

Interview with 21st Century Wire

Diane Interviewed by Rogue News

Albany Times Union Covers Sare for Senate, Libertarian Party Challenge to Independence Party Petitions