Sare for Senate National Presidents Day Conference
America's Next Fifty Years
Sunday, February 18, 2024
The question confronting us all is, "How do we create a political change in the United States which will cause our government to do what is actually required in order to ensure our survival?"
This Presidents Day Weekend Conference is dedicated to pulling the natural leaders together from around the nation, around the State of New York and the world.
In addition to the excellent panelists listed below, the conference will include various musical selections throughout, and will be addressed by friends from the nations of Yemen and China, as well as an official from Iraq.
Registration for this even is now CLOSED. For more information, please call 646-328-1932
(NB: We will also have live Zoom participation for those unable to travel to Manhattan, at the following link
Diane Sare – LaRouche Candidate for US Senate, NY
Moderator, Daniel Burke – Former candidate for US Senate, NJ; political activist
Jose Vega – LaRouche Candidate for
Vanessa Beeley – British independent journalist,
Anastasia Battle – Editor-in-Chief, Schiller Institute Leonore Magazine; Lead Organizer,
Helga Zepp-LaRouche – Founder and Leader of The Schiller Institute
Bob Baker – Staff writer, EIR magazine; political agricultural activist
Princy Mthombeni — Founder of “Africa4Nuclear”; advocate of empowering girls and women through education and technology
Dennis Speed – Host of the LaRouche Organization's weekly Fireside Chat program, veteran political strategist
(Some speakers will be via video, participation does not constitute endorsement of any political campaign, the views expressed are those of the speakers.)