Ukraine Black List and Diane Sare Campaign Discussed on Lebanese TV

Ukraine Black List and Diane Sare Campaign Discussed on Lebanese TV

Otober1 2022 (EIRNS)--On Thursday, September 29, The Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV hosted a panel for a special discussion on the sabotage of Nord Stream I-II in its internationally-watched Al-Masaiya (“Evening-time”) one-hour show. The panelists were Hussein Askary as representative of the Schiller Institute, Elena Suponina, Adviser to the director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, Asia and Middle East specialist, and RIAC expert, who speaks fluent Arabic, and President of the Global Policy Institute (Washington) Paolo von Schirach.

The thrust of the program was that all fingers are pointing to Washington and its allies as the main beneficiary if not the culprit in the blowing up the Russian gas pipelines Northstream I and II.

Askary pointed to certain facts reported by EIR in the Daily Alert the same day about the motive, logistics and insanity of conductor of such an act. He also noted that not only Biden made the statements about about ending the pipelines, but also Victoria Nuland, the architect of the 2014 Maidan coup. However, Askary stressed that the real context of this event is, first, the collapse of the Transatlantic financial and monetary system and that the powers serving this system see no other way to save than starting more and larger wars. Second, that the fact that the sanctions policy against Russia has backfired on the West and that there is a large protest movement which just one day before the sabotage were demonstrating and demanding reopening of Northstream I, starting Northstream II, ending the sanctions policy, and finally going back to the negotiations table to end the war in Ukraine. Those who blew the pipeline wanted to end that movement which includes many industrialists and farmers in Europe.

Further on in the program, Askary denounced the military-industrial complex and anglo-American and Nato intelligence forces who have waged an “intellectual and psychological terror campaign” against the citizens of the EU and the U.S., and singled out the leader of the Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp-LaRouche and her associates and friends, as the main target of a “hit-list created by Ukrainian intelligence with the help of British and U.S. intelligence” to silence anyone who contradicts Nato’s narrative and push towards nuclear war with Russia and China, and at the same to advocate an alternative based on diplomatic solutions and economic cooperation. He emphasized the case of the candidate for Senate Diane Sare who is challenging the incumbent Chuck Schumer, “the same person who signs the decisions in Congress to support the same Ukrainian groups who blacklisted his opponent Sare as a ‘Putin agent’. This is direct intervention in the U.S. elections”.

Askary in his final intervention warned that we are approaching the point of no return from a WWIII fought with nuclear weapons. He pointed to the fact that the first negotiations attempt between Russia and Ukraine were reaching a breakthrough when British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Kiev and ordered Zelensky to end the negotiations. Suddenly we had the orchestrated Bucha massacre, and everything went downhill from there. Askary noted that who is practically running the battlefield in Ukraine is not the U.S. but rather the British. Askary lamented the fact that there are no wisemen left in power in the U.S. and Europe, and reminded the guests and viewers about the 60th anniversary of the Cuban missile crisis, and how President John Kennedy in his wisdom saved his people and civilization from a nuclear holocaust. Askary hoped that other forces will step forward, like the President of Mexico, India, and China, and with backing from the Pope and UN to intervene to bring all matters back to the negotiations table.

The Al-Mayadeen is watched in all Arab countries through satellite dishes, and online on YouTube. Friends in Yemen informed EIR that they were watching this show as they do everyday because this channel is among the very fiew allowed in the country. The show is available on this link: