Senator Schumer Races to Revive Slavery and Bail Out Wall Street
July 15, 2021
(Rochester, New York)--LaRouche independent candidate for U.S. Senate Diane Sare has filmed a short video statement to denounce Senator Schumer for trying to revive slavery in America with his now re-named draft legislation “The Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act.”
Just as horrific violence is exploding in Rochester, NY, the former hometown of African-American statesman Frederick Douglass, and after drug overdose deaths in the United States have soared to 93,000 in 2020, a 30% increase over previous years, Senator Chuck Schumer, flanked by sell-out Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), and a very frail-looking Senator Ron Wyden (D-CO), joined forces yesterday to promote their legislation to legalize recreational marijuana nationwide.
Deliberately blurring the distinction between decriminalization, to eliminate mass incarceration and lengthy sentences for marijuana possession, and promotion of all out recreational use and sale of marijuana, they used worlds like “prohibition” and “justice for minorities” to disguise their evil intention, which is to enslave Americans to a dangerous drug, which is much more potent than the pot of the 1960’s and which, contrary to Schumer’s lies, has been shown to have devastating effects in states where it has been fully legalized.
Schumer sophistically claimed that the “‘War on Drugs” has been a "war on black and brown people,” and therefore must be ended.
The truth of the matter is that there never was a “War on Drugs” as intended by the late former presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche. Under LaRouche’s program, the military would have been deployed, making use of space age satellite imaging to locate and eradicate drugs at the source, in cooperation with governments of the nations which are the major producers. As NSA whistleblower William Binney has said repeatedly, given the mass surveillance of the planet right now, there are no secrets, only decisions not to pursue crime in favor of collecting material to blackmail political leaders who wish to stop it.
The complementary flank on drug trafficking is to actually jail the bankers who are caught laundering the money. HSBC was caught laundering $17 billion of drug money not so long ago, and not one person was even indicted for the crime while the bank was let off with merely a fine.
Finally, to really end this a program of serious economic development is required. Poor people who have been caught up in the drug trade need an opportunity to become productive members of society and to produce food and commodities that humanity actually needs. The United States should become an active collaborator with China’s Belt and Road Initiative to build transcontinental rail, power, and water management corridors from the mountains of Alaska to the tip of Argentina.
We could begin this collaboration by working with all of the nations surrounding Afghanistan (which produces 80% of the world’s opium) to ensure that as our soldiers exit that ill-conceived war of 20 years, a reconstruction program is put into place which replaces the drug trade with a fully modern economy with high speed rail, nuclear power, modern agriculture, and especially a modern health care system which can address the problems of the pandemic and drug addiction in the region.