
Welcome to the Sare for Senate Petitioners' Resource Page

Before proceeding, please make sure that you are registered to vote, and registered at the address where you currently reside, unless you are an out-of-state volunteer. Check your voter registration here. 

We are going to file 90,000 signatures at the end of May in order to guarantee 45,000 valid. Every petition sheet counts!

All signed petitions need to be returned by May 18.

If you are a registered NY Voter, use this PDF of the petition.

If you are a U.S. Citizen, but you are NOT registered to vote in New York State, use this PDF of the petition.

Please note the witness box at the bottom of the petition to make sure that you will be able to truthfully sign it.  Call 646-328-1932, or email [email protected] if you have any questions at all.

If you plan to stand in front of a store or post office which is on a public sidewalk (as in a downtown area), give a courtesy call to the police to let them know you are exercising your first amendment right on public property. If you want to gather signatures in front of the entrance of a store on private property, call the Sare campaign office at 646-328-1932 if you are not sure, or would like assistance in figuring out where to petition.

Any registered New York State voter is eligible to sign, from any party, as long as they have not signed a nominating petition for any other candidate for U.S. Senate.

Every voter must sign in your presence, and you must actually SEE them putting pen to paper.  You are the witness. (See the affidavit which you will sign at the bottom of each page. Note the small space where you will state the number of signatures on that page. Leave the CD and sheet number blank. See sample below.)

You may not be your own witness. ie. If you sign to place Diane’s name on the ballot, you need to sign a petition which is being circulated by someone other than yourself.

When asking a voter to sign the petition, best practice is to ask the voter to spell their name and address, and YOU print that part neatly, then ask them to sign. Sometimes they insist on printing their own name and address; always make sure you can read what they have written.

The far right column, "Town or NYC County," is very tricky. The "Town or City" may not be the same as the mailing address (see the sample below). Please call 646-328-1932 for instruction. You can fill that in at the end of the day, and correct it, if needed. Here is a link to a site where you can look up that information.

You may correct any mistake, except the date and signature, and then you should initial the change.  If necessary, you may neatly cross out an entire line. When you fill out the bottom of the petition, write the number of signatures on the page, not counting crossed out lines. So you might end up with some number other than 10.  If you only get 3 or 4 signatures on one page, put that number.  Cross out any empty lines, using a ruler, so no more signatures can be added after your total is written on the sheet.

You may give a small palm card to signers or non-signers. Do not hand out anything else.

Call 646-328-1932 if you have any questions at all.

All petitions must be in the mail or picked up by campaign organizers no later than May 20. Before mailing them, please call 646-328-1932 to let us know how many you are sending. It is recommended that you take photos and send them to [email protected], so that we can advise you on any corrections which you will need to initial before you send them. Please mail them to:

Sare for Senate, PO Box 502, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987

There will be an 8:00 pm Zoom briefing and debriefing every night starting Tuesday April 16 which is available explicitly for petitioners.  You can get the latest intelligence update about what's happening in the world and nation, as well as hear from other teams about how it went, and report your own activity.

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