Solve the Housing Problem: Evict Wall Street
Guests are New York City resident-witnesses of scandalous failures thus far. February 5, 2021.
A Voteless People is a Hopeless People: Re-establishing Truth in American Elections
With special guests Derrick Gibson, Candidate for New York Governor; Lynn Landes and Steve Freeman, voting security experts; William Binney, whistle-blower, former NSA Technical Director;
Dennis Speed, The LaRouche Organization Manhattan Project. January 22, 2021.
The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr: "Why We Can't Wait"
Diane is joined by Dennis Speed of The LaRouche Organization's Manhattan Project; Christopher Wright, conservative Brooklyn commentator; Derrick Gibson, independent candidate for governor of New York; and Daniel Burke, former candidate for U.S. Senate - NJ. January 15, 2021.
Chaos at the Capitol: Don't be a dupe, think like Beethoven!
Featuring pianist Philip Ulanowsky and tenor Everett Suttle. January 8, 2021.
China and America: Natural Allies, Unnatural Enemies
Featuring Schiller Institute United Nations representative Richard Black. January 1, 2021.
George Washington Crosses the Delaware
Chris Sare presents the miracle of 1776--Washington's daring crossing of the Delaware and victory at Trenton. December 25, 2020.
Feed the world; Starve the Green Financial Dictatorship
Diane is joined by campaign manager and farmer Gary Kanitz, EIR's Bob Baker, and former LaRouche congressional candidate Ron Wieczorek, a farmer from North Dakota. December 18, 2020.
Stop the Great Reset: You can't eat money, especially if it's digital
Diane is joined by joined by EIR Economics Editor Paul Gallagher and campaign manager Gary Kanitz, who operates a small farm in DeKalb Junction, NY, December 4, 2020.
Are You a Slave to Your Smartphone?
Speakers: David Christie, author, "Is the Devil in Your Laptop?"; David DoBrodt, Schiller Institute; Dennis Speed, LaRouche Manhattan Project Coordinator. November 17, 2020.
Poverty Eradication, Not Population Eradication
Speakers, Dennis Speed, LaRouche Manhattan Project Coordinator; Jason Ross, Science Editor, Executive Intelligence Review; Richard Black, Schiller Institute UN Correspondent. November 20, 2020.