Diane Sare Message of Support to European Farmers

Diane Sare Message of Support to European Farmers

June 4, 2024--Farmers from across Europe staged a mass protest in Brussels today, planned for many weeks, to make a leadership statement demanding that Europe change course away from shutting down agriculture. This is timed with the European Parliamentary elections over June 6-9. For example, messages on banners and signs stated, “Vote Them Out” referring to Green Deal EU toadies; and “More Freedom, Less Brussels!” as well as “No Farmers, No Food.” The Green Deal is a universal target. One sign brandished that “Europe Green Deal = No Proper Meal.” Farmers were on hand from Poland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, and elsewhere. Preliminary accounts of the demonstration report hundreds of tractors and thousands of farmers.

Candidate Diane Sare Message of Support to European Farmers

Greetings! I am an American candidate for U.S. Senate from the State of New York.

I know that most people only think about New York City, but that is only a small part of our state which has 30,000 farms.

Five years ago we had 33,000 farms. We are losing 10% of our farms every five years. It should be obvious that if this continues, no one will be able to eat anymore, but apparently it's not.

Therefore, I would like to express my solidarity with you and my best wishes for the success of your effort, which is urgent for the world.