Labor for Peace
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
-Isaiah 2:4
August 30, 2024—Thanks to the failed policies of the Biden Administration which is apparently guided by delusional lunatics in the American, British, and Israeli so-called “intelligence agencies,” the world stands at the abyss of self-annihilation. The driver of the senseless NATO-Russia war, and the Israeli war against all, especially the children of Gaza, is the impending crash of the City of London and Wall Street financial dictatorship for which NATO is the brutal enforcer.
As Lyndon LaRouche warned in a famous July 25, 2007 webcast, “There is no possibility of a non-collapse of the present financial system—none!” However, there is a way that mankind can survive the onrushing crash without provoking thermonuclear war (which won’t stop the crash either, but merely disguise it). For the United States, this would require reversing virtually every policy decision made since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
It is time for the dwindling number of still productively-employed American workers to acknowledge that the future of our Republic, and perhaps that of mankind depends on enlisting your talents to turn our nation away from this suicidal path toward doom, and to organize the boldest economic recovery mankind has ever seen.
Our nation needs 43,000 miles of modern high-speed rail. We need at least 500 new nuclear power plants, and a crash program to develop thermonuclear fusion energy. We need a continent-wide water management system to prevent droughts and floods. Our hospitals are in crisis, our schools are a mess, our farmers are going bankrupt. Child poverty in America is at record levels. In New York City alone, the Housing Authority needs $78 billion of repairs, but the Biden-Harris Administration and their criminal congressional accomplices in both parties have chosen to send hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons to Ukraine and Israel instead, all while wastefully maintaining nearly 1000 military bases overseas.
This insanity must stop before it kills us all!
As a candidate for U.S. Senator from New York, I am urging you to join me in making the following demands. Congress must:
- Stop funding and supplying weapons to Ukraine and Israel and force them to negotiate for peace, including an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Israel/Palestine conflict.
- Put the Wall Street-Federal Reserve and City of London System through an orderly bankruptcy reorganization, reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act, and prosecute the billionaire too-big-to-jail elites who made this mess.
- Engage in actual diplomacy with Russia and China, as opposed to pompous “rules-based-order” nonsense, and establish a fixed-exchange rate monetary system to facilitate rapid reconstruction and development of war torn regions of the planet.
- Aim for the stars with a crash program for fusion energy, and build, build, build.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has already made thousands of design proposals for urgently needed infrastructure projects across the United States. If we include the North American Water and Power Alliance supported by then-New York Senator Robert Kennedy in the 1960’s, we will need well over 30 million qualified new workers in the United States alone.
We need to urgently upgrade the productive capacity of the American people as a whole. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), in 2021 only 37% of high school seniors in the United States were proficient in reading English! That constitutes a far greater threat to the future of our nation than any alleged foreign adversary.
On this Labor Day, 2024, remember what Isaiah foretold. We will be judged. Let us conduct ourselves accordingly and begin to build our way out of this mess!